Who: Barney and Adele [Open to others too!] Where: Coffee shop When: Early afternoon What: Meeting and leering greeting Rating: R for the Return of Barney?
Who: Barney and River, actually! What: Barney gets drunk. River finds him. Where: Starting outside the bar. When: Late Sunday nite. A few hours after this.
Who: Barney and Red. At it again? Where: Red's apartment What: Barney says that he wants his scrapbooks back. Really, he wants to help. When: Backdated to last nite. After Barney went out with Robin. So..late last nite!
Who: Robin and Barney When: February 24th, 8:30pm Where: Bar, whichever the cabbie brings her to. What: Robin's sad, so she turns to alcohol. Rating: D for Drunk (or soon to be) Status: Incomplete
Who: Barney Stinson, Remus Lupin, and possibly Alan Shore! Also open to anyone else who'd want a drink. Where: One of the bars! What: Drinking! When: Late February 19th Rating: PG-ish. It might be Remus..but it is also Barney.
Who: Barney, NPC!Chip, and Red What: Barney finds out about this. When: BACKDATED to the late 17th/Early 18th Where: Barney's place, then the hospital.
Who: Barney and Ianto (And Owen? It is sorta his bar!) Where: Owen's bar! What: The completed search and rescue mission of a yellow sticky note. When: BACKDATED to February 10th, 10-ishpm